Magics Onboarding

Magics Onboarding (ONB-EN)


This free online training is designed to help everyone onboard with Magics so your team can seamlessly start using the tool. It’s a crucial first step toward successfully implementing Magics within your organization. You’ll discover how to use the software’s most essential features and when to apply them during each step of the 3D part-building process.

  • 1. Introduction
  • Software Maintenance Package
  • Virtual tour of Materialise
  • 2. Getting started with magics
  • The license wizard
  • Relevant AM file formats
  • General Magics 27 workflow with focus on the new features
  • 3. Magics basics
  • Mouse functionalities
  • View functionalities
  • Marking tools
  • Context menu
  • Toolpages
  • Quick Search
  • 4. Data preparation
  • Import files into magics
  • (Semi-) Automatic fixing
  • BREP introduction
  • 5. Build preparation
  • Adding a Machine to your library
  • How to open a part in your platform scene
  • Edit mode
  • Basic orientation tools
  • 6. Export
  • Export options - Overview
  • Export part & platform
  • 7. Quality Control
  • Basic measurement tools
  • How to create a report in Magics
  • 8. Additional modules
  • Support generation workflow
  • Sintermodule - Basic workflow and general settings
  • Structures
  • Training feedback survey
  • F.A.Q.
  • B. Promotional Material
  • Magics modules overview
  • Case Study Overview
  • CO-AM Brochure
  • CO-AM integration
  • e-Stage support for Metal AM
  • Masterclass in metal 3D printing
  • Materialise insights
Completion rules
  • You must complete 60.00% of the content